SME’s Online Portal: Everything you need to know at the click of a mouse

SME’s Online Portal: Everything you need to know at the click of a mouse

When you apply to study abroad, there is a great deal of things to consider. From submitting your application and collecting all the right documents to getting to your university city and settling in, there are so many little details to take care of that it can easily become quite an overwhelming experience. But even after you have relocated and have delved into your daily routine as a student, you may find yourself in a position where something unexpected may come up that you will not know how to deal with.

Striving to constantly enhance and improve our services and support, we are proud to announce to all students applying to study Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary in Europe that our Online Portal is now here to make your experience as a student a lot easier. Granting you access right from the day you start the application process, we guide you step by step all the way through, with extensive instructions and helpful tutorial videos. Giving you the chance to log in and navigate wherever you are from your mobile device with ease and simplicity, you can be sure you won’t miss a single update or notification. By the time you need to relocate, you will be fully prepared, as we inform you about anything you need to take care of before moving to a new country, making sure you have not forgotten about the slightest thing. Even after having arrived, as a student in a new university town, Study Medicine Europe’s Online Portal is the best tool at your disposal in order for you to feel safe and be able to move around easily, bringing you all the information you need to the tip of your fingers.

To log in to Study Medicine Europe’s Online Portal and take full advantage of its features, follow the instructions in the email sent to you by SME.