SME presents 2016 Networking Events Video

SME presents 2016 Networking Events Video

Providing continuous support after enrollment at university and for the entire duration of the course, Study Medicine Europe gives first-year, as well as students from higher years, the chance to attend a series of amazing networking and social events. The first events of this academic year took place shortly after registration, offering freshers students an excellent opportunity to meet their new colleagues and also network with students from higher semesters, who were there to give their own advice and support and share their experience with the newcomers.

Through different speeches and presentations our students were able to get better acquainted with the study programme, the regulations of the university and details on issues such as exams, term dates and attendance while they had their own questions on living and studying in Bulgaria answered not only our city managers, but also by the members of the university management themselves, who happily accepted SME’s invitation and were proud to greet the first-year students and introduce them to the amazing academic adventure opening ahead of them.

To watch the video and catch a glimpse of our 2016 networking events, click here.