Misleading information about Universities in Non-EU Countries

Misleading information about Universities in Non-EU Countries

It has been brought to our attention that there are several companies in India providing misleading information to students regarding which countries are part of the European Union. To be more precise, many of them are claiming that countries like Georgia, Russia and Ukraine are within the European Union or will soon become member states.

As we are all aware, European Union medical degrees are sought after and have a worldwide recognition, so it is not surprising the increased interest from students wanting to study in these countries. This is precisely why we feel it is important that we clarify which countries belong to the European Union.

As per the Member state list, published by the European Commission (https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries_en), the highest institutional body in Europe, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine are not among the 28 member states of the EU, furthermore, they are not even among candidate or potential candidate countries. This also means that they cannot join the Union for at least another 10 years since they haven’t even started the process.

Therefore, Indian students are intentionally being misled to choose universities in countries with low living standards and inferior quality of education, potentially causing them to pursue a medical degree which they will not be able to use in the future if they wish to work in the UK or any of the EU member countries.

Stay informed and ensure that you are on the right path to fulfilling your dream of becoming a doctor.